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Defensible space is the area between your home and an oncoming wildfire. All vegetation, including native plants and ornamental plants, are potential fire fuel. Through proper planning, you can have both a beautiful native landscape and a fire-wise home. Fire-wise landscapes should also include hardscape, such as granite paths and stone walls. These can act as fuel break -in-between islands of native vegetation– and help to slow down or change the path of an approaching fire.

You will find in this section recommendations for new and existing landscapes, as well as seasonal maintenance checklist to help you maintain your defensible space all year round.

Sonoma Ecology Center works to address challenges related to water supply and quality, open space, rural character, biodiversity, energy, climate change, and a better quality of life for all residents.

The UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County has been extending educational outreach and providing technical assistance to home gardeners since 1981.

The mission of the Habitat Corridor Project is to create and promote California native plant restoration gardens in the urban environment.

The primary objective and purpose of FireSafe Sonoma is to provide education, exchange information and foster fire prevention and fire safety within the County of Sonoma.

Sonoma Ecology Center works to address challenges related to water supply and quality, open space, rural character, biodiversity, energy, climate change, and a better quality of life for all residents.

The UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County has been extending educational outreach and providing technical assistance to home gardeners since 1981.

The mission of the Habitat Corridor Project is to create and promote California native plant restoration gardens in the urban environment.

The primary objective and purpose of FireSafe Sonoma is to provide education, exchange information and foster fire prevention and fire safety within the County of Sonoma.

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